Westgate Market Place - Oklahoma City, OK


Location: Interstate 40 & McArthur Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK

Details:The Westgate Market Place consists of various retail and discount shopping centers such as Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Ross, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, etc. SMC completed the site development work including site layout, parking areas, public roadway improvements, signalization, landscaping, irrigation, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer extensions, stormwater management, erosion controls, drainage system design and buildings pad construction in coordination with various architectural firms. Construction is still on going.

The public street improvements of SW 2nd Street extended from MacArthur Boulevard to Rockwell Avenue. Work includes OKC Project No. PC-0675 funded by bond to improve water, sanitary sewer and drainage on SW 8th Street from MacArthur to Rockwell Avenue.

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